If you upgrade without doing so, registration will not work correctly. You will need to remove user-list.yml manually and let the plugin create a new one. This is due to the layout of user-list.yml being changed. Version 1.2.0 onwards are not compatible with version 1.1.x and lower. Here is a short video showing all the steps needed to configure the bot: Backwards compatibility (Only applies to versions lower than v1.2.0) To create a Discord application and/or find your discord bot token, follow this link: Logs whitelist attempts from valid roles in the consoleĬonfig file is located at: (server-root)/plugins/DiscordWhitelister/discord-whitelister.yml, this needs a valid bot token and valid channel id(s) to work. Only select Discord roles can whitelist through the botīot only listens for messages in select text channels The bot's role must be higher than the whitelist role.Setting up a Discord role with the same name (case sensitive) as the config.The bot to have the Manage Roles permission in Discord.If whitelisted-role-auto-remove is set to true (false by default), that role will be removed from that user when they successfully remove (themselves) from the whitelist.If whitelisted-role-auto-add is set to true (false by default), the Discord role with the name defined by whitelisted-role ("Whitelisted" by default) will be added to that user when they successfully add (themselves) to the whitelist.So there is a good chance they know all about plugin development. I know they aren't spigot related, but the owner of the discord zua plays minecraft a lot. It's stuffed with some very talented users who like you have been coding for ages. This feature is meant to be used when users can add themselves to the whitelist. Yeah that discord I linked is just a coding discord.Use the command ' dwreload' or ' discordwhitelisterreload' to reload the config and re-initialize the bot without having to restart the Minecraft serverĪutomatically add/remove a role when adding/removing to/from the whitelist.Example of relevant fields changed in the config to use ids:.To enable this set ' use-id-for-roles' to true.Allows the use of ids of roles instead of names, for example: 445666895333687347 instead of Admin.Use Discord server/guild role ids instead of role names: Note: Only message variables ( in the "insufficient-permissions" string/message will not work as it was never in the original string/message.This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled in the config file ( use-custom-messages).Allows editing of server response messages (file is located at (server-root)/plugins/DiscordWhitelister/custom-messages.yml).